Welcome to the 12-Minute Mobiology Series
Mobiology explores the Bible’s grand creation story, which begins in infancy in Genesis chapters one and two and describes its fulfilment in Revelation chapters twenty-one and twenty-two.
Mobiology focuses on the Bible’s central theme of the ‘people of God ‘ and how God secures a people from all the nations of the world to be His very own – to rule and reign as co-heirs with His Son, Jesus, for all eternity.
Mobiology identifies ‘mission with God’ as God’s strategy to secure such a people. By engaging with God on mission, His people are both taken from the world and qualified for royal duties in the eternal age to come.
We welcome you to explore Mobiology with us through this 12-Minute Mobiology Series and other presentations this website will later feature.
Man-Joint Heirs of God’s Kingdom | Session 5
Welcome to Session 4 of our 12-Minute Mobiology Series. In this session, I introduce a new teaching from the Moses School of Mission – the purpose of MAN! This may differ slightly from your previous understanding of man’s purpose, but I’m sure you will appreciate this perspective!