Introduction to 12-Minute Mobiology
Study Resources: *Article:
Introduction to Mobiology | Session 1
Welcome to Mobiology Session One! In this 12-minute episode, we’ll dive into what mobiology is and why it matters to every believer and the Church. Discover how this unique theology explores God’s mission to prepare His people for royal rulership in His kingdom, reflecting His glory across creation. From Adam’s calling to the future reign…
Key Principles for Interpreting the Story of the Bible | Session 2
Key Principles for Interpreting the Story of the Bible As we journey through the Bible’s story, these eight important principles will help us understand what could otherwise be seen as a rather daunting and complex book. Like lights shining from a lighthouse guiding ships safely to port, they will guide us safely to our destination…
Establishing the Context of the Bible’s Story | Session 3
Establishing the Context of the Bible’s Story In this Session we will establish the all-important context of the Bible’s story. Study Resources: *Backstory: 12-Minute Mobiology Session 1 | Backs… *Session Notes:
God’s Purpose and Calling for Man | Session 4
Study Resources: *Backstory: 12-Minute Mobiology Session 1 | Backs… *Session Notes:
Man-Joint Heirs of God’s Kingdom | Session 5
Welcome to Session 5 In this session, we take a look at MAN’s calling to be heirs of God’s created world and the all-important process God takes MAN through to qualify him to rule over His creation. Moses, in writing Genesis was impressing this important lesson on the Children of Israel who were about to…