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      Max is a mobilizer with a vision to see all God’s people live a life on mission with God and to see local churches facilitating such a vision! He sees the main obstacle to such mobilization as being an incorrect or incomplete Biblical worldview.  Max has a passion to explain the word of God, in such a way that God’s people understands the simple and yet profound message of the Bible’s story – that God is on mission and God on mission with his people and to understand why this is so very important both for time and eternity.

  Max is the International Director of Simply Mobilizing, a mobilizing ministry based in the Philippines. Together with his wife, Dorothy, and an international team, they oversee a ministry that has an expression in more than one hundred countries around the world.

     Max is a mobilizer with a vision to see all God’s people live a life on mission with God and local churches facilitating such a vision! He sees the main obstacle to such mobilization being an incorrect or incomplete Biblical worldview.  Max has a passion to explain the word of God, in such a way, that God’s people understand the simple and yet profound message of the Bible’s story of God on mission and God on mission with his people and to understand why this is so very important both for time and eternity.

     Max is the International Director of Simply Mobilizing, a mobilizing ministry based in the Philippines. Together with his wife, Dorothy, and an international team, they oversee a ministry that has an expression in more than one hundred countries around the world.

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