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In this session we will look at a fourth ‘seed’ that God planted in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 that will blossom, not in this age but in the age to come, although preparations for this are being made in this age as is the case of all the ‘seeds’ planted in Genesis 1 and 2. And this ‘seed’ is the ‘seed’ of God’s true world, God’s real world and God’s eternal world.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Relating to Session 5, there are 2 Spanish words for rest. Both mean a pause or cessation of activity. However, one word is used to reflect pausing to recuperate strength, energy and force while the other is to reflect pausing to focus on something completely different. It is in this latter context that Genesis portrays God as resting after finishing his work of creation. Having finished his work of creation He rested… He paused, not because He needed to recuperate energy but rather the world was now ready (everything necessary had been created) for Him to embark on His next phase – governing the whole world, and mankind would play a key part in this.

    1. Excellent thought and explanation, Geof! Thanks, I can use this 🙂

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