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It might be startling for many to realize that Genesis, the book of beginnings, actually had an audience. Moses, the writer of the book of Genesis, wrote to a particular people for a particular purpose. In fact, all the books of the Bible had both a writer and an audience. It is important to realize—as Biblical scholars are now trying to impress upon us—that the Bible was written for us, but not written to us.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Exciting to hear voice of God written but Moses addressed to the Hebrew people initially then to us!!

  2. Thanks Max. I really enjoyed this session. The message is clear.

  3. Always great to see and hear you, Max! I am considering using these as part of preparing a multi-generational service team that goes out every summer. How many sessions are expected? Do you think this will be a good way to use these?

    1. Hi Randy, hmmm, not sure. Possibly between 12-16 sessions. Once completed they will form the basis of a 6 to 8 session course (20min each) on the Story of the Bible for local churches, similar to TUS!

  4. Love this big picture and the enthusiasm with which it is presented. Looking forward to future sessions. I’m in!

    1. Thanks Steve!

  5. Thank you Prophet Max, the Bible is indeed about God on mission and God on mission with His people. May all God’s people catch this revelation and come along with God on this Great Mission.

  6. Thanx Max I am following your teaching .May all who watch and listen be inspired to reach out to the lost like God reached out to YOU and I

  7. Session 5 is great – a great concept of rest associated with governance. It would be interesting to explore further how this relates to the Sabbath (or day of rest).

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