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Are we needing a ‘course correction’ in the trajectory of our understanding of the narrative of the Bible’s Story?
In this session I am suggesting we do! We have been on a trajectory that has, and will always, sadly, cause us to miss the mark of understanding the Bible’s true story.
So, what has been our understanding that needs correcting, and what might the correct understanding be, and how can we make the necessary correction that will get us back on course?
Well, this is what session 8 is all about! 
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. One note – at about 9:15, there are minor “misreadings” of Rom 11:33-36 from what is on the screen.

    The term “qualify” invokes an image of someone working toward tasks that, in aggregate, establish the individual as “qualified” based on some objective criteria. Best example is sports, and probably the Olympics. There are “qualifying events” held whereby the athlete demonstrates their ability to compete at a certain level determined by the judges. In short, this image is based upon the individual developing and demonstrating their achievements, and the judges assessing it as “qualified”. This leads to the idea of self-righteousness. Of course, the Biblical image is that our qualifications are imputed to us by Christ, the only one who ever met the criteria of the judge. So, as I listen, every time I hear “qualify” I have to make a quick mental shift because of the strong association in my mind to self-qualification. Out of curiosity, what led to your choice of that word as central to The Story of the Bible?

    1. Yes, saw that misreading a bit too late to change it when I did – thanks! Yes, but qualified for WHAT? That is the question and that question we will discuss in the next few sessions. In short, I think we have been qualified to qualify :)!

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